VCFSE Sector Specialists
Pulse work in strategic partnerships with Council’s and other public sector bodies including health and care to provide VCFSE infrastructure Support services. Our services include:
Thrive Trafford
Pulse has delivered Trafford Council’s VCFSE Infrastructure Support Service for over 8 years. The Service is provided under our developed Thrive Trafford brand and includes 5 main themes:
1. Engagement and Promotion – Facilitating VCFSE engagement in strategic partnerships and Trafford decision making structures
2. New Ways of Working – Supporting Public Service Reform and health and social care transformation
3. Sustainability and Social Value – Attracting external funding, social investment, and Social Value/CSR brokerage.
4. Capacity and Quality – 1:1/group-based/peer-to-peer capacity building support, including Small Groups Healthcheck, training, specialist resources, and our developed Trafford Quality Mark (TQM)
5. Volunteering – Volunteering Brokerage Service, including Volunteer Managers Network and employee volunteering programme
Roger Sutton, Co-Chair of the Trafford Partnership and Chair of the Stronger Communities Board, said “Thrive have provided excellent infrastructure support to the VCFSE sector in Trafford for over 8 years. They have brought much-needed experience, skills and a sharp strategic approach to capacity building, volunteering, engagement, investment, and sustainability. Due to their work the voluntary sector is much stronger, more engaged, more innovative and adaptative. The fruit of this work was seen clearly during the Covid crisis where the sector was able to adapt and provide the core structure to meet the substantial needs of vulnerable residents. Due to their work over the years the sector is now seen as a vital contributor to the well-being of the borough and part of the wider public and private partnership. During the time of the Covid crisis they were able to quickly adapt to the new circumstances and provide much needed support and leadership.”
Social Action Partnership
The Social Action Partnership Service is delivered by Pulse Regeneration, as part of a long-term partnership with Cheshire East Council, founded on a series of core values including mutual trust, collaboration and innovation. This relationship will help to guide how the Council works with the VCFSE sector in the future, as well as its approach to transforming the wider health and social care system. The Cheshire East Social Action Partnership aims to develop a strong local social impact culture through effective social action, underpinned by a thriving Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector. The new Social Action Partnership provides a new way of working in Cheshire East and will deliver against 4 key outcomes including Better Connected Organisations and Sector, Improved Relationships and Partnerships, Better Connections with Individuals, and Increased Capacity and Sustainability of the VCFSE sector.
Firm Foundations
Pulse provided support to Wolverhampton Voluntary Services Council to help develop a new approach to providing VCFSE capacity building support. This included the development of a VCS Good Practice Toolkit, which we called Firm Foundations, support for staff and delivery of a series of Masterclass sessions. The Toolkit development involved working with local commissioners and VCS groups to determine the current issues experienced.
“This toolkit is designed to ensure that our sector is fully “fit for purpose” to meet the challenges that lay ahead. We see the Firm Foundations Toolkit and associated support of WVSC as a central part of achieving this” Ian Darch, Chief Executive, WVSC
“I wish I had this when I became a Chief Officer in the voluntary sector for the first time. It would have been invaluable in being able to analyse my organisations strengths and weakness and enabled me to better focus our efforts.” Su Pascoe, Chief Executive, Age Concern Wolverhampton
“Firm Foundations is both a timely and valuable tool for groups across Wolverhampton to enable them to develop skills and be able to respond to the opportunities that will present themselves.” Karen Cross, Head of Community Initiatives, Wolverhampton City Council
“Going through the workshops is proving extremely beneficial to Relate in many ways. With trustees, management and some key staff all attending the workshops, not only are we gaining very specific knowledge that is totally relevant for our needs, but it is also proving an excellent team building exercise for our group.” Maxine Wragg, Centre Manager, Relate Wolverhampton