Pulse Launch New Social Action Partnership Service
Cheshire East Council has commissioned Pulse to deliver a new Social Action Partnership Service aimed at improving Cheshire East resident’s health and wellbeing.
The new service forms part of a long-term partnership which will help guide how the Council works with the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector in the future.
Social action projects are carried out by individuals or groups of people working together for the good of others. They aim to help solve the problems important to individuals and communities, such as antisocial behaviour, social isolation, or sustainable living. This might be achieved by volunteering, giving money, community action or simple good neighbourly acts.
The service will help the VCFSE sector to develop and flourish locally by providing information, advice and support, and by developing connections, partnerships and new relationships. It will also act as an independent voice and enable the sector to become strategically engaged and represented in decision making and delivery.
Councillor Mick Warren, cabinet member with responsibility for communities, said: “The new Social Action Partnership is going to help the council to continue to deliver real benefits to our communities. The more connected we are across VCFSE groups and organisations across the borough, the more we will see relationships improving, capacity increasing, as well as gaining a clearer understanding of local priorities and actions required to tackle them”.
Chris Hart, managing director of Pulse and new Social Action Partnership Director, said: “Pulse are delighted to be working in a long-term partnership with Cheshire East Council to deliver this new innovative and transformative service for Cheshire East. We have had an incredible response so far from the VCFSE sector and have already witnessed some amazing examples of social action on the ground, and the difference that local groups and organisations are making to people’s lives through this current crisis”.
For more information about the Social Action Partnership please see the new partnership website here.